A one-size-fits-all approach no longer works in marketing campaigns—especially when you’re dealing with a Hispanic audience. Hispanics make up 17.6% of the US population, which is a pretty sizeable market for any business.
You can have a diverse team of marketers who will create a marketing campaign for your business that factors in Hispanic values and culture. But have you ever thought about your website?
Here are a few tips that will help you in improving your website:
Tailoring Content
Majority of the marketers are using what they call Spanglish in their content when marketing to the Hispanic customer base.
Only 20% of the Hispanic population actually prefer speaking only Spanish, while majority of them are bilingual. This is why content on your website shouldn’t entirely be in Spanish or English.
It should be the right blend of both languages, keeping in view particular words or phrases that Hispanics use in their day-to-day conversations.
Language and content isn’t enough; the website needs to be localized on the basis of cultural and linguistic adaptations.
Different audiences have different search habits, which is something that must be taken into consideration when designing your website. This includes keywords used, backlinks and on-page optimizations.
Make Your Site Rich With Videos
Hispanics are one of the leading consumers of online videos in the US today. This important element is something that you must incorporate into your website.
Make your website rich with entertaining and engaging videos and Hispanic will be drawn to it organically. Make your videos shareable.
Design it for Mobile
We are all aware of the importance of a responsive website when it comes to SEO; search engines have already moved on to mobile-first algorithm. However, focusing on mobile becomes even more important when dealing with Hispanics customers.
Around 94% of the Hispanics use their smartphones to access the internet, which shows how popular mobile phone usage is amongst the Hispanics.
So even when designing, focus on how well your website will look in smartphones before coming onto the desktop.
Get in touch with us if you want to learn more about marketing to the Hispanics. We are the leading ethnic marketing agency in New York and specialize in marketing to the Hispanic population.